
Prof. Paul Hertzog of Institute of Medical Research of Monash University Visited WIV

Date:10-05-2013   |   【Print】 【close


On February 26, with the invitation of Tang Hong, Professor Paul Hertzog of Institute of Medical Research of Monash University carried a 3-day academic visit in WIV. During the visit, Mr. Hertzog gave a report titled TLR Induced Natural Immunity and System Immunology. He also inspected Xiaohongshan and Zhengdian scientific research parks and carried out in-depth communication with relevant researchers.
In the report, Mr. Hertzog introduced the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences of Monash University. He also talked about his life and research experiences. Then, Mr. Hertzog described the role of interferon ε in reproduction, structural function of interferon receptor signaling pathways, and systematic biological research on interferon signal set. The team under his leadership discovered an I-type interferon INF-e and its functions of anti-virus and anti-bacteria in female reproductive system. This result was published on Science on March 1, 2013. After the speech, he had an active discussion and communication with the audience in the concern of immunological response and regulation.